(2 customer reviews)


Welcome to a transformative One-Day Intensive Coaching Session – a focused 4-hour journey where we craft personalized goals, develop a comprehensive plan for your mental, physical, emotional health, and elevate your nutrition.


Why Choose the One-Day Intensive Coaching Session?

✅ Limited Time?

Don’t worry! This session is tailored for individuals seeking key principles and tools to kickstart healthy habits without committing to a long-term program.

✅ Need a Quick Start for Healthy Living?

If you’re looking for an easy way to eat healthy, gain control of your nutrition, or require time-saving, practical cooking ideas, this session is designed for you!

What to Expect:

Assessment & Personalized Plan:

Through a holistic assessment, I create a personalized action plan aligned with your unique needs and busy schedule. We identify obstacles and implement transformative shifts in thinking and behavior.

Tools and Resources:

Receive handouts, templates, nutrition assessments, food samples, a sample meal plan, and easy, healthy recipes to kickstart your journey.

Long-Term Impact:

By the session’s end, you’ll possess the tools and a step-by-step plan to initiate lasting improvements in your habits and lifestyle.

Session Breakdown

Pillar 1

Goal Setting and Holistic Assessment

Realistic and achievable goal setting.

Holistic assessment of primary food (circle of life).

Pillar 2

Nutrition Science and Stress Reduction

Understanding nutrition science fundamentals.

Appropriate portion sizes, food group classifications, and decoding food labels.

Tools for gaining energy and reducing stress.

Pillar 3

Meal Planning and Lifestyle Integration

Introduction to meal planning and prepping techniques.

Exploration of different eating styles tailored to your lifestyle.

Ready to Ignite Your Transformation?

This is not just a coaching session, it’s a catalyst for change.

Join me for a 4-hour online or in-person coaching experience that will set you on the path to a healthier, more vibrant life!


  1. Carolina Werner

    Amal helped me to set a clear and specific goals to get me started in the healthy eating habits. She provided me clear information of the basic principles of nutrition, appropriate portion sizes, food group classifications, and how to read food packaging labels. She helped me understand the importance of having a balance between animal and plant-based protein. I loved the meal plan sample, easy recipes that I can start preparing at home using her guide for meal prepping and batch cooking technics. I got the knowledge of the importance of fermented foods to reduce and avoid inflammation in the body. Also, she provided me tools to keep accountable each week with my goals, how to reduce stress in an easy way and the importance to balance all the areas of the circle of life.

  2. Veronica

    I was diagnosed with SIBO some time ago and needed some direction and guidance how to organise my life to can release all the stress. Stress it’s one of the main triggers of my health situation now.

    Amal guided me through all the areas of my life to asses which areas I needed to work more with. She supported me to get clear in my goals and find my intentions. She helped me to be more present, giving me tools to practice the Positive thinking and relaxation technics.

    I was introduced to simple but very helpful tools to improve my eating habits, the benefits of journaling, mindfulness, meditation are somethings that I thought about but did not know how to start.

    Indeed I knew the Low FODMAP diet but was overwhelming to organise my meals. And she gave me some valuable tips on how to organise my weekly meal plan.

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